The Super Retro Trio by Retro-Bit is just one console in a recent spate of consoles that has seen modern hardware being married up to vintage carts in order to provide an alternative to using original consoles. There are many reasons who you would want to play original carts on modern hardware; preserving the integrity […]
Doom II – Hell to Pay

This post is written by Jake Parr. Even to this day, after over twenty long years, Doom is still a popular game for modding, map- making and much more. Because of its ground-breaking success as a critically acclaimed shooter, discs upon discs were released by various third party companies, offering more levels, more content and […]
WarioWare Inc: Mega Microgames!

Games based around mini-games are nothing new in the industry. You could argue that Gorf is one of the earliest examples, while titles like Lazy Jones and Hypersports are all built around similar concepts. Few mini-game-based efforts are as focused as WarioWare, Inc though. Nintendo had already had some success in the area with the […]
Super Nintendo ‘Mega Man X’ Updated With CD Quality Soundtrack

Not too long ago we were made aware of an unofficial modification to Zelda: A Link to the Past where ROM hackers had injected CD quality audio and FMV support. On a similar note, it would now appear that Mega Man X for the Super Nintendo has received a similar update – one where all […]
Commodore Amiga Gets New FPS ‘Did It Come From The Desert?’

Inspired by Cinemaware’s upcoming release of the long lost Mega Drive version of It Came From The Desert, one Amiga fan has decided to recreate the ant blasting action in a first person shooter for the Commodore computer. Available as a free download, Did It Come From The Desert is one action packed 3D adventure […]
Alien Crush

I’ve always been a little confused by developers that choose to create realistic pinball games. I get the appeal of recreating existing tables – after all, very few people have the cash or space to own Tales Of The Arabian Nights – but making original video pinball tables to the same constraints as a physical […]