Often, innovative games can look tired as the years go by. If an original game attracts any kind of attention, it’s usually not long before the imitators emerge and the sequel machine kicks into action. Inevitably, some of those will improve upon the original and the genre will develop until the original game looks rather […]
Unreleased Nintendo NES Prototype Cartridge of ‘Chip’s Challenge’ Goes Up For Auction

Just when you thought you’d played every Nintendo NES game out there, another previously undiscovered title has surfaced on eBay of all places. Arriving on a one of a kind prototype cartridge, bidding has gotten fierce for the 8-bit console port of Chip’s Challenge – a fan favourite top down puzzler which first arrived on […]
The Vectrex Gets Festive With ‘Save The Trees’ and ‘Stocking Filler’ Homebrew Christmas Games

If for whatever reason Christmas NiGHTs isn’t enough to keep you busy this winter, dust off the Vectrex and get ready to feel festive. One homebrew developer is gearing up the release of two brand new games for the vector-based console – a high score frantic scrolling shooter and an addictive collect ’em up.
Dad Makes Son Live Through Gaming History

Once we saw this tale of a bizarre parenting experiment, we had to share it with you – it really is quite something. Andy Baio’s son Eliot was born in 2004, and the new father had plans to perform very strange long-form experiments on his child. While these were eventually shot down by his wife, […]
Simple ZX Spectrum composite mod – how to

Ever wished you could use your ZX Spectrum on that big LCD screen you have in your living room but have had trouble tuning it in? Well, since I posted a couple of images on Instagram showing a few of my composite modded Spectrums, I’ve had a number of requests asking for instructions on how […]
Review: Rock Boshers DX: Director’s Cut (PS Vita)

Queen Victoria’s gone to Mars to kick ass and drink tea…and she’s all outta tea! So goes the tag line for Rock Boshers DX: Director’s Cut, the latest PS Vita/PS4 offering from Tikipod – creators of another recent retro-themed indie title, Aqua Kitty DX.