Although System 3 will always be remembered for The Last Ninja and Putty Squad, Myth: History In The Making should also be considered. It’s a fantastic (if hard) platformer cum adventure that features insane visuals and a (for the time) unique theme. We discover how this fantastic 8-bit game came to be. By 1988, System […]
Handmade NES Clone ‘Super 8-Bit’ Enhances The Nintendo Experience

We’ve all seen the surge of clone consoles that have flooded the markets over the last few years, but do any of them really come close to the real thing? From audio differences to incompatibility issues, most of the time you’re better off finding the original machines to get the best experience – or are […]
OutRun Gets Upgraded With Full 360 Force Feedback Driving Simulator

As much as we love our older games and feel that our imaginations can bring on-screen pixels to life, we’ve often wondered how to make our favourites feel more realistic. While companies such as Aura attempted to bridge the gap decades ago with their body-worm Interactor rumble pack, such efforts left a lot to be […]
Chuckie Egg

Nigel Alderton’s classic platformer started off life on the Spectrum but I’ve always associated it with the BBC Micro. Back at school we’d regularly use the computer for technology classes, getting to grips with graphs or Granny’s Garden if our teacher was in a really good mood. We also had a computer club that was […]
Introducing The Amiga Book

We’re big fans of the Amiga, so we felt it was the perfect time to create an exciting new bookazine. The Amiga Book is 180 pages of incredible content, featuring some of the best games and developers to ever appear on an Amiga system. Worms, The Secret Of Monkey Island, Shadow Of The Best, Speedball […]
The Story Of Thor

RPGs are a problem in Europe. As notoriously text-heavy releases in a region with multiple languages, they present a daunting and costly challenge for any localisation team. Perhaps for this reason, the UK missed a lot of the key console RPGs of the early Nineties – Final Fantasy VI, Lunar: The Silver Star and even […]