Hi all, Although we didn’t finish it before x-mas, mostly due to some personal issues, we can already provide you with a nice little teaser video of our upcoming game. The video was recorded directly from our sam460ex / RadeonHD 4650 using an Elgato Game Capture device. No cutting or whatever, loading times / game […]
Duke Xtreme

This post is written by Jake Parr. After the major success of Duke Nukem 3D, thirdparty companies started to crank out expansion packs, and Duke Xtreme, developed by Sunstorm Interactive and released by WizardWorks in 1997, was one of them. Removing the E from its name may deceive gamers into thinking this add-on is COOL and RADICAL! […]

There are a great many superb arcade conversions available on the ZX Spectrum, but one of our favourites is this stunning port of Irem’s hit shoot-’em-up that came out in 1988. Programmer Bob Pape recently revealed the creation of his epic conversion in an online book called It’s Behind You: The Making Of A Computer […]
Congo’s Caper Review

Author: Masamune The more video games I play, the more I can see how developers like to borrow ideas from each other. Take the original Super Mario Bros. for example. It’s the classic paragon of what a platformer should be. Off the top of your head think of some … Continue reading
RetroCollect FM – Retro Gaming Podcast – Issue 15: Digitiser – Interview with Mr Biffo

For many retro gamers, the 90s was a wonderful era packed to the brim with exciting new developments and technological advancements. Despite the rise of the Internet and other forms of getting our gaming fix delivered daily, one dedicated service we all know and loved remained on the most basic form of communication still around […]
New Amiga Game: Love Dungeon

A NEW Amiga game has been released today, just before Christmas. 🙂 It is called Love Dungeon and it is a platform game. Read more here: The graphics are also very nice indeed and shows great attention to detail, from the ladders to the backgrounds and character. However as a gameplay standpoint, I found the […]
new amiga game love dungeon